
What we put on our bodies is almost as important as what we put in them. All my friends know that I'm a big fan of makeup, hair products, glitter, lotion, nail polish... and the list goes on. In the past few years, however, it has come to my attention that most of the mainstream products we use to enhance our exterior beauty can have incredibly negative effects on our health due to toxic ingredients. In my attempt at a bio-overhaul, it's become clear that not only diet and exercise need examining. Check out this site from the Environmental Working Group. Curious about your favorite lipstick or deodorant? Type it into the Search field and see if it's doing more harm than good. A great site that I rely on to find fabulous organic products from shower gel to shimmery shadow isVitaCost. Let's just say that my local delivery guys and I are on a first-name basis. 

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